Well a lot has happened in the last few months... We bought a puppy, bought a house, have been slowly (I mean slowly) working on the house, been on a few poker runs and went to a bike rally. It has been VERY hectic around our place so far this summer....
Here are a few pic's from the poker rides and our annual Algona Freedom Rally:
Poker Ride:
Me & My man : )
Man do we have some crazy funny friends! (They didn't actually ride this way, just a photo op)
The crew...
A wonderful day for a ride!
Our friends Krissy & Sean... He let her drive! He was "holding on" here LOL
The girls... Kimi, Ashley, Me & Kelsie
I was SO excited my best friend was able to come & we had so much fun!
Me & Andy : )
Our very AWESOME friends that we met in Algona. They are from MN and now we camp next to each other every year! Whitey & Kris, they are GREAT people!
Here our friend that does not have a bike wanted a ride, well they didnt want to look dumb (2 guys riding together) So this is what they came up with. With the help of Ashley : )
This is our baby, Lilly.... We got her a lil kiddie pool and man she sure loves it on these hot days!
Well those are a few things that have been going on so far this summer. We are going on another lil trip over Labor day & Lilly is coming with us, so it should be eventful! Hope you all are having a great & safe summer so far!