Well the last few months have flown by. A lot has happened in the last 6 months.... I guess i am just thankful that it is over & that i am alive....
Right before Christmas we were in a wreck. No one was seriously injured but my boyfriends truck was totaled. It was really scary but that was nothing compared to what happened to me Feb 7th. I don't share all of this to scare you or feel sorry for me but to let you be aware and be more careful. I was involved in another car accident. It was an icy road n lost control, i swerved a couple times the hit the guard rail head on and then flipped the vehicle twice & rolled down an embankment. When i wrecked the airbag came out & when it hit me it popped out my contacts. I am almost blind without my contacts so that was a little weird. I never did black out or anything, it just happened so fast. My first thought was to find my cell phone which i could not then i realized my left arm was broke & my right ankle was hurting. I then thought to try to get out and walk up to get help. But i was trapped, the doors wouldn't open. About 10 minutes later 4 guys walked up & asked if i was ok? I told them i though my arm was broke and that my ankle was hurting... They said the police were on their way. Sure enough a police officer arrived & then the Paramedics came and i got a wonderful ride in the ambulance to the ER. Everyone who helped me was so great. I had to get x-rays from head to toe and they said i would have to have surgery. I wasn't able to get into surgery until 7:30pm...I had to wait 18 hours : ( But it wasn't all bad i got a little thing called morphine so i was feeling pretty good... It just made me sleepy. Here is a picture of my x-ray of my arm:
Pretty crazy huh? Well thankfully it was my left arm... Here is a picture after surgery with the plates & screws in it:
Well needless to say it was defiantly some experience that i would never like to relive again.... I was off work for only 2 weeks then started back 1/2 days for 2 weeks then to full time again... Thankfully my job has been very understanding : ) I had to do therapy on my ankle and am doing therapy on my arm now. So just thought i would share a very scary experience with you all. I am so thankful to be alive and glad that after only about 2 months and a couple sweet scars (makes me look tough right ha ha ha) i am just about back to my normal self : ) Well take it easy and take care!