Well i have some exciting news... I am going to be an aunt!!!!! By the picture you pry thought that it was going to be mine... LOL My lil brother is having a baby boy... This will be the first lil one in my immediate family. My mom & dad are going to be grandparents. Man that sounds so weird ha ha ha...
It has been such a crazy couple of years in my family but we are all doing pretty good. I think my brother is going to be a good father to this little guy. I'm sure he will teach him #1 how to ride a bike #2 about cars and then all the other boy stuff that he needs to know. He loves riding his bike. He did some BMX stuff in Jr. high & high school and is very talented. He can do some pretty crazy tricks : )

Here is a picture from last summer getting some sweet air: )
His dream was always to go pro after high school. He will now have to hold off on that because he now has a new dream, to raise a little one. He & his girlfriend have a rough road ahead of them but they both have an amazing supportive family that is backing them in the crazy journey : ) I know it wasn't their plan but i believe that things happen for a reason and whats done is done and we will all be welcoming this little guy July 30th 2011. I hope they can just keep their heads up and ignore what people are saying about their situation. I ran across this quote and thought that it fits pretty well:
“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and rejection. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.”~Unkown
I think sometimes people tend to talk about other people's lives because it might be different or not the "norm". They are both great kids and they will get through this. All we can do is be there for them and dust them off if they stumble a little : ) I just hope this little guy doesn't take after our side and fall to much : ) We (my mom & I) can be a little clumsy sometimes ha ha... I will keep you all updated on my new adventure as an Aunt as it unfolds : ) Until then keep the paint up and rubber down!
I love it! You will be such a wonderful Aunt!! Noah will be fine because he has the support of your family...a baby is a blessing no matter what!! Congrats!! Lori Shinn